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The following groups are committees of Penn State College of Medicine’s Faculty Organization.

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Committee on Undergraduate Medical Education (CUMED)

Purpose Expand answer

The Committee on Undergraduate Medical Education (CUMED) is delegated authority by the Faculty Organization for all matters that pertain to the undergraduate medical education program for the students of the College of Medicine.

This committee will include the expertise described by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) for a curriculum committee and will be responsible for the overall design, management, integration, evaluation, and enhancement of a coherent and coordinated medical education program.

Actions must be in accordance with the rules and guidelines of the LCME and are subject to revision and orders of the Dean of the College of Medicine. The functions of CUMED include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Define the objectives and competencies of the medical education program and ensure that the central curriculum and parallel tracks enable the students to achieve these competencies.
  • Review and establish curricular policies in collaboration with the Dean following input from appropriate sources.
  • Ensure horizontal and vertical integration of the curriculum.
  • Act as the legislative arm of the Faculty Organization for undergraduate medical education by reviewing and approving course and program proposals.
  • Ensure that there is a centralized system that employs a variety of measures including direct observation for the assessment of student achievement (including acquisition of the knowledge, core clinical skills such as medical history-taking and physical examination, behaviors, and attitudes specified in the medical education program objectives and competencies), and that provides appropriate and timely feedback to the students.
  • Ensure adequate preparation, oversight, and monitoring of teaching quality for all faculty and other health professionals involved in the curriculum.
  • Ensure comparability of educational opportunities and support services, and a safe learning environment, at all Penn State College of Medicine (PSCOM) campuses and affiliated sites.
  • Receive reports from the Curriculum Evaluation Subcommittee (CESC) and ensure appropriate corrective actions are made regarding deficiencies.
  • Create ad hoc or standing subcommittees to address specific issues of the curriculum; subcommittee members do not need to be on CUMED and will be recruited for their expertise or interest.
  • Invite, as needed, individuals representing the following areas to provide consultation to the committee: Academic Progress Committee (APC), MD/PhD program, joint-degree programs, Physician Assistant Program, Office of Medical Student Research, hospital or medical group, Alumni Association, and anyone else whose input will assist the committee.
  • Make recommendations to the appropriate offices or individuals regarding initiatives that will enhance the undergraduate educational experience for students and faculty.
  • Ensure bi-directional communication with directors of courses, clerkships, electives, and discovery and residency preparation courses.
  • Present updates to the Faculty Organization on a regular basis (at least quarterly).
  • Present updates to the Dean of the College of Medicine on a regular basis (at least quarterly).

Date of Approval of this Description by the Faculty Organization

  • Initial: May 4, 2016
  • Amended: Sept. 21, 2017
Members Expand answer
Meeting Minutes and Other Information Expand answer

See detailed CUMED information here (Penn State Access login required).

Information includes:

  • Meeting minutes
  • Subcommittee membership lists
  • Curriculum Evaluation Subcommittee reports
Subcommittees Expand answer

Curriculum Evaluation Subcommittee

  • Structure
    • The members of the CEC shall be appointed by the Faculty Organization Council in consultation with the Vice Dean for Educational Affairs.
    • Committee members shall select their own chair to serve for a period of two years.  The committee members may serve two consecutive three-year terms and are eligible for reappointment after being off the committee for a period of one year.
    • There shall be no duplication of membership with either the CUMED Oversight or the Sub-committees.   This committee should have a voting membership of between nine and fifteen members.
    • The Vice Dean for Educational Affairs, the Associate Dean for Pre-clinical Curriculum, and the Associate Dean for Clinical Education shall be non-voting members of the committee.
    • A majority of the voting members constitutes a quorum.
  • Function
    • Develop and implement a comprehensive evaluation system for the educational program leading to the MD degree that will enhance the College of Medicine’s ability to monitor and evaluate the educational program and to make informed decisions about the program or its components.
    • Review, revise, and recommend to CUMED expected exit objectives for each student awarded the MD degree.
    • Evaluate educational outcomes and compare to national standards.
    • Assess student mastery of the curriculum and report to CUMED any noted deficiencies.
    • Evaluate graduates to determine if they are adequately prepared for residency training and practice.
    • Make regular reports to CUMED of findings.

CUMED Subcommittee — Years I & II

  • Structure
    • The members of the CUMED Oversight shall appoint members of the Year I and Year II Sub-committee for a three-year term.
    • This Sub-committee shall have nine members to include at least three from the basic sciences, three from the clinical sciences and three who are not ICC co-directors. At least two of the members shall represent first-year courses and two shall represent second-year courses.
    • The committee members shall elect their own chair (excluding course directors). CUMED Oversight members and ICC chairs are eligible to serve on the Sub-committee, and at least 50% (5) of the members should be ICC co-directors. ICC members are also eligible for membership.
    • Committee members may serve two consecutive three-year terms and are eligible for reappointment after being off the committee for a period of one year.
    • The first- and second-year student representatives will be non-voting members of this Sub-committee.
    • All ICC co-directors are invited to attend committee meetings.
    • A majority of the voting members constitutes a quorum.
  • Function
    • Oversee the Year I and Year II courses and formulate overall objectives for the pre-clinical curriculum.
    • Ensure that the course objectives of Years I and II reflect the overall goals of the College of Medicine.
    • Review and approve or recommend modifications of objectives for each course developed by interdisciplinary course committees and monitor compliance with the Sub-committee’s recommendations.
    • Make recommendations to the CUMED Oversight for new courses or changes in the organization of the curriculum.
    • Develop and approve all policies and guidelines for the conduct of the pre-clinical curriculum; these policies and guidelines will be collated for distribution to faculty and students and published on the campus intranet.
    • Ensure that course schedules, including the number of contact hours for each course and the approximate percentages of course time allocated to lectures, laboratories, and problem-based learning conform to curricular policies.
    • Review the evaluations of each course by the Curriculum Evaluation Committee and provide an annual report on each course to the responsible course co-directors, requesting responses where necessary on issues of concern. Provide documentation to CUMED Oversight that correction was successful.
    • Encourage sharing of successful teaching methods across courses by collating and distributing best practices.
    • Coordinate with the CUMED Oversight and the Sub-committee for Year III and Year IV on issues related to the whole medical curriculum.
    • Provide periodic reports on the activities of the Sub-committee to the CUMED Oversight.

CUMED Subcommittee — Years III & IV

  • Structure
    • The members of the CUMED Oversight shall appoint members for the Year III and IV Sub-committee. The committee shall have nine voting members.
    • The committee members shall elect their own chair (excluding required clerkship directors). Oversight committee members are eligible to serve on the Sub-committee. Fifty percent (5) of the members shall be required clerkship directors. At least two members shall be directors of elective courses.
    • Members may serve two consecutive three-year terms and be eligible for reappointment after being off the committee for a period of one year.
    • The third- and fourth-year medical student representatives will serve as non-voting members of this Sub-committee.
    • All clerkship directors are invited to attend the Sub-committee meetings.
    • A majority of the voting members constitutes a quorum.
  • Functions
    • Oversee the required and elective Year III and Year IV courses (clerkships, selectives and electives).
    • Ensure that the course objectives of Year III and Year IV reflect the overall goals of the College of Medicine.
    • Provide periodic review of the required courses in Year III and Year IV.
    • Ensure the Year III and Year IV curriculum is preparing graduates for success in residency and clinical practice.
    • Make recommendations to CUMED Oversight about any new required rotations or modification of the structured curriculum of Year III and Year IV.
    • Review the evaluations of each required course by the Curriculum Evaluation Committee and provide a report to the responsible clerkship director, requesting responses where necessary on issues of concern. Provide documentation to CUMED that correction was successful.
    • Encourage sharing of successful teaching methods across courses by collating and distributing best practices.
    • Coordinate with CUMED Oversight and the Sub-committee for Year I and Year II on issues related to the whole medical curriculum.
    • Provide periodic reports on the activities of the Sub-committee to the CUMED Oversight.

Medical Student Admission Committee

Purpose Expand answer

The Medical Student Admission Committee carries out the faculty responsibility to evaluate and select students in accordance with the educational mission and goals of Penn State College of Medicine.

The selection of students is based on their potential for academic success, outstanding personal qualities, potential for professional growth, contribution to the broad diversity of the student body and to the College of Medicine, potential for serving special/under-represented needs in health care, and capacity for developing into competent, dedicated, and caring physicians.

The Admission Committee has final authority in the selection of students for the College of Medicine. The selection of students is not influenced by any political or financial factors.

Date of Approval of this Description by the Faculty Organization

  • Initial: Feb. 1, 2017
Members Expand answer

Medical Student Academic Progress Committee

Purpose Expand answer

The purview of the Medical Student Academic Progress Committee is to approve the promotion of students in the doctor of medicine program as defined by the competency domains of Penn State College of Medicine.

It is the job of the APC to make promotion determinations for all students, and develop and enforce individualized plans for those students with deficiencies in some aspect of the medical education program competencies.

In addition, the APC will make recommendations to the Dean of the College of Medicine with respect to those students who the APC determines should be dismissed from the medical education program for academic reasons.

Date of Approval of this Description by the Faculty Organization

  • Initial: June 7, 2017
Members Expand answer

Library Advisory Committee

Purpose Expand answer

The Library Advisory Committee (LAC) serves in an advisory role to the Harrell Health Sciences Library Director, who acts as the Chair of the committee.

The committee provides a communication venue for the library and each of the represented departments. It helps the library keep the various departments informed about current initiatives, changes, services (both new services being initiated and existing services that may no longer have value), budget issues and their impact, etc.; provides a forum for departments to communicate concerns that faculty may have about collections and services; and provides a means to identify issues/problems, make recommendations for needed resources and services, and identify opportunities for collaboration, etc.

Members are asked to bring information back to their respective departments and to bring ideas, concerns, and questions to the committee.

The committee meets on a quarterly basis; additional meetings can be called by the Chair on an as-needed basis.

Date of Approval of this Description by the Faculty Organization

  • Initial: Nov. 3, 2010
Members Expand answer

College of Medicine Promotion and Tenure Committee

Purpose Expand answer

Penn State Policy AC-23 Promotion and Tenure Procedures and Regulations requires the College of Medicine level of review.

This Committee reviews and makes recommendation on tenure track promotion and tenure reviews at the College of Medicine, as well as immediate tenure requests.

The review and recommendation made by the Committee are based upon the criteria set forth in the respective Department’s Promotion and Tenure Policy, as well as the College of Medicine Promotion and Tenure: Statement of the Dean of the College of Medicine, as well as appropriate Penn State Policy.

Date of Approval of this Description by the Faculty Organization

  • Initial: May 4, 2011
  • Amended: April 4, 2012
Members Expand answer

College of Medicine Fixed-Term Promotion Committee

Purpose Expand answer

This committee reviews and makes recommendations on Fixed-Term Faculty promotions at the College of Medicine. The criteria for promotion are set forth in the respective Departmental Promotion and Tenure policies; the College of Medicine Promotion and Tenure: Statement of the Dean of the College of Medicine; AC21, AC23, and any other appropriate Penn State Policies and Guidelines.

Date of Approval of this Description by the Faculty Organization

  • Initial: May 3, 2017
Members Expand answer

Physician Assistant Master's Program Education Committee (PAMPEC)

Purpose Expand answer

The Physician Assistant Master’s Program Education Committee (PAMPEC) has the following functions:

  • Act as the legislative arm of the Faculty Organization for the graduate physician assistant program by moving course and program proposals for approval.
  • Ensure that the objectives of the pre-clinical and clinical curriculum achieve the physician assistant goals and objectives as approved by the Faculty Organization.
  • Ensure longitudinal integration between the pre-clinical and clinical components of the curriculum.
  • Develop courses and curricular documents for the pre-clinical and clinical portions of the graduate physician assistant program.
  • Receive reports from the Physician Assistant Curriculum Evaluation Committee (PACEC) and direct any curricular deficiencies detected to the appropriate program personnel to investigate their nature, develop and implement a plan of action, and provide documentation back to Physician Assistant Graduate Education (PAGE) Committee that corrective action was implemented and the results of that implementation. For matters of curriculum adjustment and redesign, a written report will be filed to the Vice Dean of Educational Affairs. Program changes that are performed as a result of this data collection and analysis will also be supplied to the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant (ARC-PA) compliance committee since this is a mandatory tracking requirement.
  • Make recommendations to the Faculty Organization regarding programs that will enhance the educational experience for students and faculty.
  • Ensure appropriate consultation and orientation with Clinical Preceptors for students in the pre-clinical and clinical portions of the PA Program. A process will be in place in order to ensure that there are adequate clinical placements for the physician assistant graduate students. This process will address both the number and types of placements that are available so that student clinical encounters can meet the ARC-PA and program mandates.
  • Report to the Faculty Organization at least once per year or as asked to do so.
  • Provide information and make recommendations to the Academic Team as appropriate.
  • Assess the compliance of PA Program policies and policies with the College of Medicine and the ARC-PA standards and make recommendations as to how to improve areas in which the PA Program cannot guarantee total compliance with each intended standard. Develop an implementation plan for these suggestions and then monitor for the effects of these implemented changes. Develop a mandatory reporting system for submitting required program information to the ARC-PA in order to meet all of the ARC-PA requirements.
  • Provide a mechanism by which student grievances and appeals are formally reviewed and resolved by the appropriate continuing committees. Establish due process for these grievances and appeals along with a mechanism by which these decisions can be reviewed by senior level administration in the cases where students are dissatisfied with the decisions that were made by the program and its committees.
  • Establish formal processes in which the curriculum and student outcomes are reviewed and analyzed. Develop procedures for identification of areas needing improvement; develop mechanisms for making program and curricular improvements, implementing change, and assessing the results of the changes that were implemented.
  • Under the direction of the medical director, form an advisory board (Penn State College of Medicine Physician Advisory Board) which will primarily play an advisory role in development of appropriate curriculum and clinical sites to ensure that students are provided with clinical experiences which will meet the Standards for breadth and depth of patient experiences and also fulfill the criteria for types of clinical training sites (in-patient, out-patient, emergency rooms, and operating rooms). The board meets quarterly and offers advice on curriculum and program development.

Date of Approval of this Description by the Faculty Organization

  • Initial: Oct. 1, 2014
Responsibilities and Subcommittees Expand answer

PAMPEC reports to the Faculty Organization. Its subcommittees and subgroups are:

  • PA Advisory Board
  • Policy and Procedure Committee
  • ARC Standards Committee
  • Admission Committee
  • Academic and Professional Progress Committee
    • Appears Committee
    • Vice Dean for Educational Affairs
  • Preclinical Progress Committee
  • Clinical Review Committee
Members Expand answer