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Annual AC-40 Reviews

The annual AC-40 review (based on Penn State University Policy AC-40) is a tool for faculty development, determining merit salary increases, and ongoing assessment of the faculty member’s role in the Department and College.

AC-40 provides the process for an annual evaluation of the performance of each member of the faculty. (Tenured faculty members are evaluated with an extended review every fifth year after the most recent promotion decision.) The AC-40 annual review is an opportunity for each faculty member’s performance in the areas of education, research, patient care, and service to be reviewed by the Department Chair or Division Chief. Each faculty member’s evaluation is related to his or her areas of assignment and responsibility, with maximum weight given to the area of major emphasis in the individual’s allocation of effort. The AC-40 annual review ensures that faculty members and the institution are working towards common goals and that faculty members have the resources necessary to achieve these goals.

Each faculty member is responsible for completing the AC-40 form by the annual deadline. The Department Chair or Division Chief is responsible for providing written feedback to the faculty member; we suggest that this be in the form of a letter to the faculty member, to include recognition for good work, areas for improvement, and advice regarding preparation for promotion, if applicable. It is expected that the Department Chair or Division Chief and the faculty member will meet to discuss any areas of concern or disagreement, barriers to career development, or effort re-allocation, and that they will formulate a plan for addressing these issues.

The annual AC-40 reviews are kept within the Department and are not part of the formal review process for promotion and tenure. Each Department Chair is required to notify the Office of Faculty Affairs that the annual AC-40 process has been completed, and to submit the department faculty roster.


The deadline for annual AC-40 reviews is in the spring and is communicated to Department Chairs.
